April's key legislative developments in Ottawa
5 bills entered committee, 3 bills reported out of committee, and 5 bills received royal assent
Our legislative framework plays an ever-increasing role in today’s business environment, which makes an appreciation of changes in the legislative landscape ever more critical to strategic planning. That is why, every month, Queen Street Analytics provides key updates on all federal bills that are currently at any stage between being introduced at First Reading and becoming law through Royal Assent. To make it easier to separate the needle from the haystack, updates are organized by portfolio/file.
Table of Contents (by file):
Energy, Environment and Resources
Agriculture and Forestry
Transport and Infrastructure
Finance, Banking, Commerce
Industry, Technology, Science
Indigenous Peoples
International Trade and Foreign Affairs
National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs
Fisheries and Oceans
Social Development, Culture, Citizenship, Languages
Highlights (by file):
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1. Energy, Environment and Resources
Second Reading in the House
Bill C-380 (amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (plastic manufactured items)): second reading was completed on April 18, 2024
House-Committee on Natural Resources (RNNR)
Bill C-49
An Act to amend the Canada—Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act and Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act
Referred to RNNR committee: October 17, 2023
Bill adopted by the Committee on April 11th 2024, and report presented to the House for Third Reading
Final 3 meetings held in April. In total, 12 meetings held since January.
No new briefs submitted in April. In total, 17 briefs submitted by: Atlantica Centre for Energy, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Ecology Action Centre, Energy NL, Fish, Food and Allied Workers - Unifor, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, International Union of Operating Engineers, Marine Renewables Canada, Miawpukek First Nation, Net Zero Atlantic, Northland Power Inc., Nova Scotia Fisheries Alliance for Energy Engagement, Oceans North, SeaBlue Canada,
Witnesses from the Department of Justice and Department of Natural Resources appeared in April. In total, 86 witnesses appeared since January 2024.
Study on Canada’s Clean Energy Plans in the Context of North American Energy Transformation
2 meetings held in April. In total, 10 meetings held since September 2023
No new briefs submitted in April. In total, 22 briefs submitted by: ATCO Ltd., Bioindustrial Innovation Canada, Canada's Building Trades Unions, Canadian Biogas Association, Canadian Fuels Association, Canadian Gas Association, Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, Canadian Nuclear Association, Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, Dumont Nickel Project, Electricity Canada, General Fusion, Hycamite TCD Technologies, Hydrogen Naturally, Ontario Power Generation Inc., Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries, Parkland Corporation, Word Resources Institute.
No witnesses appeared in April. In total, 44 witnesses appeared since September 2023
House Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (ENVI)
Study on Freshwater in Canada
1 meeting held in April. In total, 19 meetings held since since October 2023.
5 new briefs submitted in April by ALUS, Arctic Research Foundation, Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters, Coalition Navigation, We the Nuclear Free North. Previously, 46 briefs submitted by: AquaAction, Assembly of First Nations, Atlantic First Nations Water Authority Inc., Canadian Cattle Association, Canadian Environmental Law Association, Canadian Water and Wastewater Association, Canadian Water Quality Association, Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Council of the Great Lakes Region, DataStream, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Environmental Defence Canada, EPCOR Utilities Inc., Fondation Rivières, Foresight Canada, Forest Products Association of Canada, Forum for Leadership on Water, International Association for Great Lakes Research, International Observatory on Nature’s Rights, Living Lakes Canada, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Ottawa Riverkeeper, Sanexen Environmental Services Inc., Surfrider Foundation Canada, Syngenta Canada Inc., T. Bjornson & Associates Consulting Inc., United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, Water Rangers, York Region Environmental Alliance
Witnesses appeared in April from ALTRA, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Okanagan Basin Water Board, Prairie Provinces Water Board. In total, 164 witnesses appeared since October 2023.
Bill C-317
An Act to establish a national strategy respecting flood and drought forecasting
Referred to ENVI committee: Feb 14, 2024
2 meetings held in April. No prior meetings held. Linked below is an AI-generated summary of April’s last meeting on C-317, courtesy of LobbyIQ.
No briefs submitted thus far
Witnesses appeared in April from Assiniboine River Basin Initiative, Citizens' Climate Lobby, Department of the Environment, Ottawa Riverkeeper, United Nations University Institute.
2. Agriculture and Forestry
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-280 (amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (deemed trust – perishable fruits and vegetables): there was progress towards second reading
House Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (AGRI)
Bill C-355
An Act to prohibit the export by air of horses for slaughter and to make related amendments to certain Acts
Referred to AGRI committee: January 31, 2024
2 meetings held in April. In total, 5 meetings held since February 13
No new briefs submitted in April. In total, 22 briefs submitted by: Animal Justice, Animal Transportation Association, Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, Canadian Cattle Association, Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Canadian Horse Defence Coalition, Canadian Meat Council, Canadian Pork Council, Canadian Sheep Federation, Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada, Humane Canada, Humane Society International, J Woods Livestock Services, National Cattle Feeders' Association, Ontario Racing, Racetracks of Canada Inc., Woodbine Entertainment Group
Witnesses appeared in April from: Air Line Pilots Association, Canadian Horse Defence Coalition, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, Farm Credit Canada, Humane Canada, Humane Society International, Montreal SPCA. In total, 25 witnesses appeared appeared since February 2024.
Study on Efforts to Stabilize Food Prices
2 meetings held in April. In total, 9 meetings held since December.
First brief submitted in April by the Centre for Future Work.
No witnesses appeared in April. In total, 27 witnesses appeared since December.
3. Transport and Infrastructure
House Committee on Transport, Infrastructure (TRAN)
Study on Canada Infrastructure Bank’s Involvement in the Lake Erie Connector Project
2 meetings held in April. No prior meetings.
No briefs submitted yet.
8 witnesses appeared in April from Canada Infrastructure Bank, Independent Electricity System Operator, NextEra Energy Transmission
Study on Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities
1 meeting held in April. In total, 4 meetings held since February 2024.
1 brief submitted in April by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Previously, 3 other briefs submitted by Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance, Celiac Canada, Council of Canadians with Disabilities
6 witnesses appeared in April from AccessNow, ARCH Disability Law Centre, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Disability Without Poverty. In total, 28 witnesses appeared since February.
Senate Committee on Transport and Comms (TRCM)
Bill C-288, An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act
First meeting held on April 30th. No prior meetings
5 witnesses appeared in April from Commission for Complaints for Telecom-Television Services, OpenMedia
Bill S-273, An Act to declare the Chignecto Isthmus Dykeland System and related works to be for the general advantage of Canada
First meeting held on May 1
Study of the Impacts of Climate Change on Critical Infrastructure in the Transportation and Communications Sectors
3 meetings held in April. In total, 29 meetings held since March 2, 2022.
No new briefs submitted in April. In total, 17 briefs were submitted since March 2, 2022.
17 witnesses appeared in April Aéroports de Montréal, Chamber of Marine Commerce, Communauté métropolitaine de Québec, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, Montreal Port Authority, Ontario Trucking Association, Quebec Port Authority, Transport Canada, University of Windsor. In total, 29 meetings held since March 2, 2022.
4. Finance, Banking, Commerce
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill S-275 (amend the Bank of Canada Act, mandate, monetary policy governance and accountability): there was progress towards second reading
First Reading in the House
Bill C-387 (amend the Canada Pension Plan): first reading completed on April 30, 2024
House Committee on Finance (FINA)
Bill C-59
An Act to Implement Certain Provisions of the Fall Economic Statement Tabled in Parliament on November 21, 2023 and Certain Provisions of the Budget Tabled in Parliament on March 28, 2023
Referred to FINA committee: March 18, 2024
6 meetings held in April. In total, 8 meetings held since March 19
18 briefs submitted in April by the Association des psychoéducatrices et psychoéducateurs, Association of acers producers of Québec, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Nuclear Association, Canadian Nuclear Association - Clean Hydrogen, Canadian Renewable Energy Association, Canadian Society for Disability and Oral Health, Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, Grouping of Professional Mental Health Orders of Quebec, LKQ Corporation, Mitigokaa Development Corporation, Mouvement autonome et solidaire des sans-emploi, Northern Village of Pinehouse, Option consommateurs, Pelican Lake First Nation, Pathways Alliance, Skip TheDishes, The Canadian Bar Association, Uber Canada, Union des consommateurs. Previously, 3 briefs submitted by Canadian Gas Association, Electricity Canada (jointly), Emera Inc., Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited (jointly), International Center for Law & Economics.
Witnesses appeared in April from Air Line Pilots Association, Canadian Horse Defence Coalition, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, Farm Credit Canada, Humane Canada, Humane Society International, Montreal SPCA. In total, 25 witnesses appeared since March 19, 2024.
Study on Main Estimates 2024-25: Votes 1 and 5 under Canada Revenue Agency, Votes 1 and 5 Under Department of Finance, Vote 1 Under Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, and Vote 1 Under Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
1 meeting held in April. In total, 2 meetings held since March 21, 2024
No briefs submitted on this issue
No witnesses appeared
Senate Committee Banking, Commerce, Economy (BANC)
Bill S-243
An Act to enact the Climate-Aligned Finance Act and to make related amendments to other Acts
1 meeting held in April. In total, 3 meetings held since November 22, 2023
1 brief submitted in April by the Government of Saskatchewan. In total, 7 briefs submitted since July 25, 2023.
3 witnesses appeared in April from Agriculture Carbon Alliance, Canadian Bankers Association, Environmental Defence, John Molson School of Business (Concordia University), Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. In total, 10 witnesses were submitted since November 22, 2023.
Study Matters Relating to Banking and Commerce Generally
3 meeting held in April. In total, 55 meetings held since February 2, 2022
1 brief submitted in April by the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Office In total, 16 briefs submitted since November 2, 2023.
6 witnesses appeared in April from C.D. Howe, Imagine Canada, Office of the Parliamentary Budget Office, University of British Columbia. In total, 98 witnesses submitted since February 2, 2022.
5. Industry, Technology, Science
Royal Assent
Bill C-34 (amend the Investment Canada Act): royal assent given
Bill S-209 (Pandemic Day Act): royal assent given on April 30, 2024
House Committee on Industry and Technology (INDU)
Bill C-27
An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act and to make (the “AI Bill“)
Referred to INDU committee: April 24, 2023
5 meetings held in April. In total, 22 meetings held since September 26, 2023. Linked below is an AI-generated summary of April’s last meeting on Bill C-27, courtesy of LobbyIQ.
Because C-27 has received a lot of attention, we’re also including LobbyIQ’s monthly dashboard on GR-activity on the issue of C-27
5 new briefs were submitted in April by International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, OpenMedia, Retail Council of Canada, Salesforce, Technation, U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In total, 106 briefs submitted on C-27 by the following organizations: Access Copyright, ACTRA - National, AI Governance and Safety Canada, Alliance for Privacy and Innovation in Canada, American Registry for Internet Numbers, Amnesty International Canada, Amnistie internationale Canada francophone, Association nationale des éditeurs de livres, Association of Canadian Publishers, Automotive Industries Association of Canada, British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, Canadian Anonymization Network, Canadian Association of Professional Employees, Canadian Bankers Association, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Canadian Marketing Association, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Research Insights Council, Canadian Telecommunications Association, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Castets-Renard, Céline, Center for Information Technology Policy, Centre for Digital Rights, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, Copibec, Council of the Haida Nation, Directors Guild of Canada, Electronic Transactions Association, EQuiTé Association, Financial Data and Technology Association of North America, Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited, General Motors of Canada Limited, Gladstone AI, Google Canada, Hadfield, Gillian, Holowaychuk, Jeff, Imagine Canada, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Information Technology Industry Council, Institute of the Public Service of Canada, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada, International Association of Privacy Professionals, International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, International Committee of the Red Cross, Internationalization of Cultural Expression Coalition, i-SIGMA, IQVIA Solutions Canada Inc., Motion Picture Association-Canada, Mines Action Canada, McKelvey, Fenwick, Microsoft, Meta Platforms Inc., Music Canada, Officina, Pelletier, Benoît, Public Health Association of BC, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Regroupement des éditeurs canadiens-français, Screen Composers Guild of Canada, Screen Composers Guild of Canada, Stacey, Paul, The Canadian Bar Association - Privacy and Access Law Section, The Dais at Toronto Metropolitan University, Union des consommateurs, Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois, UNICEF Canada, Union des consommateurs, Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
12 witnesses in April from the Department of Industry. In total, 115 witnesses have appeared in committee on this bill since September
Study on Development and Deployment of Elysis Technology at Rio Tinto and Alcoa Facilities
First meeting held in April.
No briefs submitted on this issue yet.
2 witnesses appeared in April
Senate Committee on Science and Technology (SOCI)
Bill S-249
An Act respecting the development of a national strategy for the prevention of intimate partner violence
First meeting held in April.
7 briefs submitted in April by Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, Department of Justice Canada, Egale Canada, Sakeenah Canada, Women's Shelters Canada. In total, 8 briefs were submitted since September 26, 2023.
6 witnesses appeared in April from: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Department of Justice Canada, Indigenous Services Canada, Women and Gender Equality Canada
6. Indigenous Peoples
Royal Assent
Bill C-29 (National Council for Reconciliation Act): royal assent given on April 30, 2024
Third Reading in the House
Bill S-16 (Haida Nation Recognition Act): third reading was completed on April 17. 2024
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-248 (amend the Canada National Parks Act (Ojibway National Urban Park of Canada)): second reading completed on April 17, 2024
House Committee on Indigenous/Northern Affairs (INAN)
Study on Improving Graduation Rates and Successful Outcomes for Indigenous Students
2 meetings held in April. In total, 13 meetings held since February 15, 2023.
15 new briefs submitted in April by Assembly of First Nations, Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, Chiefs of Ontario, Colleges and Institutes Canada, Connected North, Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning, Headwater Learning Solutions, Indigenous Institutes Consortium, NorQuest College, University nuhelot'ine thaiyots'i nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. No briefs submitted before April.
42 witnesses appeared since February 15, 2023
Study on Restitutions of Land to First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Communities
1 meeting held in April. In total, 11 meetings held since May 10, 2023.
In total, 21 briefs submitted by Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, Assembly of First Nations, British Columbia Specific Claims Working Group, British Columbia Treaty Commission, Cold Lake First Nations, Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership, File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council, First Nations Financial Management Board, First Nations Lands Advisory Board, First Nations Summit, Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Indigenous Institutes Consortium, Lac Ste. Anne Métis Community Association, Mikisew Cree First Nation, Northwest Territory Métis Nation, Ontario Land Trust Alliance, Six Nations of the Grand River, Standing Water Nation. No briefs submitted before April.
32 witnesses appeared since May 10, 2023.
Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples (APPA)
Study to Examine the constitutional, treaty, political and legal responsibilities to First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples
1 meeting held in April. In total, 86 meetings were held since March 28, 2022.
In total, 69 briefs were submitted since May 2, 2022
4 witnesses appeared in April from the Government of Manitoba. In total, 189 witnesses appeared since March 28, 2022.
Study to Examine the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2021
2 meetings held in April. In total, 3 meetings held since February 28, 2024.
4 briefs were submitted in April by Department of Justice Canada, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada. No briefs submitted before April.
12 witnesses appeared in April from: Assembly of First Nations, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Cree Nation Government, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, JFK Law LLP, Nisga’a Lisims Government, National Association of Friendship Centres, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada. In total, 20 witnesses have appeared since February 28, 2024
Bill S-16
An Act respecting the recognition of the Haida Nation and the Council of the Haida Nation
2 meetings held in April.
Bill was reported out of committee on April 11th, for third reading
No briefs submitted.
6 witnesses appeared in April from: Council of the Haida Nation, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Department of Justice Canada
7. International Trade and Foreign Affairs
Royal Assent
Bill C-57 (Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Ukraine): royal assent given on March 19, 2024
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-282 (amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management)): second reading was completed on April 16, 2024
House Committee on International Trade (CIIT)
Study on Canada’s Proposed Biocides Regulations: Trade Impacts for Certain Sectors
1 meeting held in April. In total, 4 meetings have been held since October 31, 2023.
2 new briefs submitted in April by Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association, Canadian Federation of Independent Business. No previous briefs submitted.
12 witnesses appeared since October 31, 2023
Study on the CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management System (CARM)
2 meetings held in April. In total, 4 meetings have been held since March 19
3 new briefs submitted in April by: American Chamber of Commerce in Canada, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, Association of International Customs and Border Agencies, Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters, Canadian Association of Regulated Importers, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association, Canadian Produce Marketing Association, Canadian Society of Customs Brokers, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, Confederación de Asociaciones de Agentes Aduanales de la República Mexicana, Confederación de Asociaciones de Agentes Aduanales de la República Mexicana, Express Association of America, Express Carrier Coalition Canada, Global Automakers of Canada, National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America, Inc., National Foreign Trade Council, North American Customs Brokers Alliance, Northern Border Customs Brokers Association, Retail Council of Canada, U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Previously, 13 briefs submitted by
12 witnesses appeared on this issue in April. In total, 10 witnesses have appeared since March 19, 2024
Study on the 2023 Strike at the Port of Vancouver: Selected Impacts, Responses and Port-Related Innovation
2 meetings held in April. In total, 7 meetings held since November 30, 2023.
In total, 6 briefs submitted by: British Columbia Maritime Employers Association, Canpotex Limited, Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters, Canadian Cattle Association, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
No new witnesses appeared in April. 21 witnesses appeared since November 30, 2023
House Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE)
Study on Canada’s Diplomatic Capacity
2 meetings held in April. In total, 10 meetings held since November 29, 2023.
No new briefs submitted in April. In total, 3 briefs submitted by Canadian Foreign Service Alumni Forum, Société nationale de l'Acadie
No new witnesses appeared in April. 27 witnesses appeared since November 29, 2023
Study on Canada’s Approach to Africa
4 meetings held in April.
2 briefs submitted in April by Humanity and Inclusion Canada. No previous briefs submitted.
24 witnesses appeared in April from Canadian Council on Africa, Canadian Global Affairs Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Dalhousie University, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, French Institute for International Affairs, King’s University College at Western University Canada, Stephen Lewis Foundation, The Brookings Institution, The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business, Université du Québec à Montréal, University of the Fraser Valley. No previous witnesses appeared.
Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (AEFA)
Study on Examine and report on Canada’s interests and engagement in Africa
2 meetings held in April. In total, 8 meetings were held since November 9, 2023.
No new briefs submitted in April. In total, 2 briefs were submitted since February 8, 2024
14 witnesses appeared in April from African Union Commission, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Export Development Canada, FinDev Canada, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Global Affairs Canada. In total, 26 witnesses appeared since November 9, 2023
8. National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs
Second Reading in the House
Bill C-381 (amend the Criminal Code (extortion)): there was progress towards second reading
Bill C-270 (amend the Criminal Code (pornographic material)): there was progress towards second reading
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-351 (amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act for maximum security offenders): there was progress towards second reading
Bill S-268 (amend the Criminal Code and the Indian Act): there was progress towards second reading
Report Stage in the Senate
Bill S-231 (amend the Criminal Code, the Criminal Records Act, the National Defence Act and the DNA Identification Act): there was progress towards report stage
House Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU)
Bill C-26
An Act respecting cyber security, amending the Telecommunications Act and making consequential amendments to other Acts, (the “cyber security bill“)
Referred to SECU committee: April 19, 2023
Final committee meeting was held on April 8
In total, 8 committee meetings had been held since January 29, 2024
In total, 15 briefs submitted by the following organizations: American Chamber of Commerce in Canada, BlackBerry, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Bankers Association, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Canadian Constitution Foundation, Canadian Gas Association, Canadian Internet Registration Authority, Canadian Telecommunications Association, Citizen Lab, Eastlink, Electricity Canada, Engineers Canada, GeoComply Solutions , Global Container Terminals, IBM Canada, Insurance Bureau of Canada, ISC2 Inc., i-SIGMA, Kyndryl Canada, Manulife Bank, OpenMedia, Railway Association of Canada, Tenable Inc.
In total, 27 witnesses have appeared in committee since January
Bill S-210
An Act to Restrict Young Persons’ Online Access to Sexually Explicit Material
Referred to SECU committee: December 13, 2023
No meetings have taken place
1 brief was submitted in April by Gregory Karasterglos. In total, 13 briefs submitted by: Association for Reformed Political Action Canada, VancouverRape and Women’s Shelter
No witnesses have appeared
Study on Growing Problem of Car Thefts in Canada
3 meetings held in April. In total, there were 5 meetings held since February 26, 2024
1 brief was submitted in April by Automotive Industries Association of Canada. In total, 9 briefs were submitted: Association des directeurs de police du Québec, Association of Canadian Port Authorities, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, Canadian Vehicle Exporter's Association, Customs and Immigration Union, National Police Federation, VIN Verification Services Inc., York Regional Police
18 witnesses appeared in April from Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, Canadian Automobile Association, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, Canada Border Services Agency, Halifax Port Authority, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, Intact Insurance, Montreal Port Authority, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Service de police de la Ville de Montréal, SHIELD Automotive Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence, Sûreté du Québec, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. In total, 31 witnesses have appeared since February 26, 2024
House Committee on National Defence (NDDN)
Study on Lack of Housing Availability On or Near Bases for Canadian Armed Forces Members and Their Families and the Challenges Facing Members and Their Families When They Are Required to Move Across the Country
1 meeting held in April. In total, there were 5 meetings held since November 30, 2023
No briefs have been submitted
1 witness appeared in April from Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services. In total, 10 witnesses have appeared since November 30, 2023
Study on Defence Policy Update
1 meeting held in April. No other meetings have been held
No briefs have been submitted
5 witnesses appeared in April from: Communications Security Establishment, Department of National Defence
Study on Transparency Within the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
1 meeting held in April. In total, there were 5 meetings held since February 7, 2024
In total, 1 brief was submitted on March 14, 2024
2 witnesses appeared in April, as individuals. In total, 20 witnesses have appeared since February 7, 2024
Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs (SECD)
no committee meetings in April
House Committee on Veterans Affairs (ACVA)
Study on Experience of Women Veterans
4 meetings held in April. In total, there were 29 meetings held since February 13, 2024
No briefs have been submitted in April. In total, 10 briefs submitted by Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families, Bridge2Future, Davidson Institute, Women, Peace and Security Network - Canada
In total, 93 witnesses have appeared since March 30, 2023
9. Fisheries and Oceans
House Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO)
Study on Plans to Prevent Violence During the 2024 Elver Fishing Season
2 meetings held in April. In total, there were 4 meetings held since February 13, 2024
No briefs have been submitted on this issue
4 witnesses appeared in April as individuals. In total, 17 witnesses have appeared since February 2024
Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (POFO)
Study on Examine and report on Canada’s seal populations and their effect on Canada's fisheries
3 meetings held in April. In total, there were 29 meetings held since October 6, 2022
No new briefs in April. In total, 27 briefs submitted since October 6, 2022
No new witnesses appeared in April. In total, 58 witnesses appeared since October 6, 2022
10. Health
Second Reading in the House
Bill C-64 (respecting Pharmacare): there was progress towards second reading
Second Reading in the Senate
Bill C-368 (amend the Food and Drugs Act (natural health products)) - there was progress towards second reading
Bill C-252 (amend the Food and Drugs Act (prohibition of food and beverage marketing directed at children)): there was progress towards second reading
Bill S-232 (Health-Centred Approach to Substance Use Act): second reading was completed on April 11, 2024
House Committee on Health (HESA)
Study on Children’s Health
1 meeting held in April. In total, there were 26 meetings held since June 6, 2022
In total, 62 briefs submitted since February 24, 2022
In total, 46 witnesses appeared since June 6, 2022
Study on Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
1 meeting held in April. In total, 8 meetings held since April 27, 2023
1 brief submitted in April by MS Canada. In total, 7 briefs submitted since April 27, 2023
In total, 7 witnesses have appeared since April 7, 2023
Study on Opioid Epidemic and Toxic Drug Crisis in Canada
2 meetings held in April. In total, 7 meetings held since December 4, 2023
1 brief submitted in April by Association pour la santé publique du Québec, Indigenous Chiropractic Caucus, Native Women's Shelter of Montreal, Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
5 witnesses appeared in April from: Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, Moms Stop the Harm, Projet Caméléon, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In total, 29 witnesses have appeared since December 4, 2023.
Study on Women’s Health
2 meetings held in April. In total, there were 7 meetings held since November 27, 2023
4 briefs submitted in April by: Breast Cancer Canada, Canadian Collaborative for Stillbirth Prevention, Persons Against Non-State Torture. In total, 61 briefs were submitted since August 3, 2023
8 witnesses appeared in April from: Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre, Persons Against Non-State Torture, Québec Alliance for Perinatal Mental Health. In total, 31 witnesses have appeared since November 27, 2023
11. Social Development, Culture, Citizenship, Language
Royal Assent
Bill C-35 (Early learning and child care in Canada): royal assent given on March 19, 2024
That is it for today’s issue. Next week, we cover the key regulatory developments that occurred in April.